Chapter 2. The Magic of Thinking Big (visualized)
1 visualized chapter in your inbox every week(ish). This issue: cure yourself of Excusitis, the failure disease.
Key takeaway
Everyone has enough shit in his life to make excuses, but not all do.
The one’s who do, stay behind.
And the ones who don’t, move forward.
Almost all excuses fall into the categories poor health, not smart enough, too old or young and bad luck. And while all circumstances are different and some are out of your control, the response is always up to you.
Just know that making excuses and voicing them repeatedly, ingrains them and turns them into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So to Think Big, you need to “Cure yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease.”
My thoughts
Hi, I’m Hidde and I have Excusitis.
See, this chapter confronted me as I personally fell into the trap of making health-related excuses.
I played sports all my life, but tore both my ACLs. And after the last injury 2 years ago, I did not go through surgery and recovery as this did not fit the current work-life balance (excuse #1).
And although I had no discernible symptoms after a few months, the specialists told me not to play the sport I love (soccer) anymore and since I hate running and such, I figured I was done with sports (excuse #2).
And I can list out weak excuse #3, #4 and #5 but the fact is that this has been my situation since the last injury:
And this negative loop continuously feeds itself until I break it.
So.. I started running even though I hate it and found a group of friends to play padel. I love the latter and still mehh the running, but it gets me going and paradoxically, I get energy from spending the energy.
I hope to slowly break the loop. It’s a start at least and let’s see if this will fully cure my Excusitis or if I relapse.
How about you? If you dig deep, are you currently suffering from Excusitis?
More visuals
As confrontational as it is, it’s also a rewarding concept to visualize.
Besides the two visuals above, I’ve posted this one recently on Instagram.
That visual is inspired by
who has one of the best visuals illustrating our tendency to complain in this post.Take a look and show some love if you like it! ❤
Useful quotes
All the excuses made by the mediocre fellow could be but aren’t made by the successful person.
Thoughts, positive or negative, grow stronger when fertilized with constant repetition.
The right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time.
Reading status
Two chapters done, on to the next one!
Get the book by David J. Schwartz here.1
✔ Ch 2. Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease (this week)
Ch 3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear (next week)
Ch 4. How to Think Big
Ch 5. How to Think and Dream Creatively
Ch 6. You are What You Think You Are
Ch 7. Manage Your Environment: Go First Class
Ch 8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
Ch 9. Think Right Toward People
Ch 10. Get the Action Habit
Ch 11. How to Turn Defeat into Victory
Ch 12. Use Goals to Help you Grow
Ch 13. How to Think like a Leader
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I absolutely love your visuals…
Love this craft! Absolutely would be inclined to build together! 🦁🏴