Great example with DIY and I'm with you for the importance of a mindset shift. The thing that's so hard about it, is you can't see the effect until you've made the change, but making the change is a shift in thinking. Even just today I was listening to Codie Sanchez say that making money is just a mindset shift and is in fact easy — I believe she is right, but I find it hard to actually believe and act like it is true.

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Thanks for your thoughtful comment Chris.

And you're right, it's definitely not as simple as just deciding that from today you start believing in X or Y.

In my experience, being mindful of your (negative) self-talk is often an easy trick to start leaning towards really believing that big, positive things can happen. Changing your inner thoughts from, "This can't be right" to "What if this is right?" seems minor, but is already a major shift as it opens up a lot of new (positive) thinking avenues.

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Really nice Hidden, love the structure!

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Thanks Lud 🙏

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I love your reading status thing. It's a cool concept that is going on here. Well done.

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Thanks Janis! Only 12 more chapters to go 🤓

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Read that book years ago. I remembered it as a great one.

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It’s been sitting on my to-read list forever, so this visual summary is also an incentive to make some quick progress.

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