Key takeaway
Creativity is often tied to the arts — e.g. painting, poetry, dance, theater.
But creative thinking is much bigger than that. At its core, creativity is simply finding new, better ways to do anything.
The first step is believing it’s possible. Trust that every problem has a solution and that you can find it. This small mindset shift unlocks your creative potential.
Another key is staying open to new ideas. Don’t get trapped in tradition or the familiar excuse of “this is how we’ve always done it.” Instead, keep asking yourself, “How can I do better?” rather than “Can I do better?”.
Creative answers will follow.
Creativity also thrives when you listen to others. Every idea borrows a spark from somewhere else — no creation happens in isolation. So talk less, listen more.
And when those ideas come, don’t let them slip away. Capture them. Ideas rarely arrive fully formed; they need care and effort to grow. Otherwise they’ll fade before they can become something great.
Creativity isn’t just about having ideas, it’s also about nurturing them.
My thoughts
This chapter sparked a lot of thoughts.
For years, I believed I wasn’t creative—I couldn’t draw, I couldn’t sing, and I didn’t play music.
But I am a problem-solver. I played a ton of chess as a kid, and I still love puzzles and board games that push me to think outside the box. Even now, I’m drawn to complex problems at work because they demand creative problems.
And while I can’t sketch with a pencil, here I am writing newsletters of visualized books by using digital tools.
So… maybe I am creative. And if I am, then you are probably too.
This chapter also made me think about the importance of listening to others.
A big reason I started this visual journey is another great book — Show Your Work by
.(maybe I should visualize that one next?)
It inspired me to share my own ideas.
The amazing thing about ideas is how they snowball—one shared idea leads to another, and then another.
That’s also why I value diversity so much. Different perspectives fuel the best ideas.
So here’s a thought: what’s one idea you’ve been sitting on? Share it.
You never know where it might take you—or someone else.
More visuals
I recently shared another visual on ideas needing hard work instead of coming out fully formed.
But when the topic is creativity, I’m almost obliged to share visuals from
.He has some of the most original and unique visuals and a lot of them cover topics related to creativity. Some examples:
And my all-time favorite visual from PJ illustrates that only by listening to understand is how you soak up information to spark new ideas.
(btw I’m not the only one liking this visual judging by the 52k likes 🤯)
Useful quotes
Belief releases creative powers. Disbelief puts the brakes on.
Nothing grows in ice.
Capacity is a state of mind. How much we can do depends on how much we think we can do.
Your ears are your intake valves. They feed your mind raw materials that can be converted into creative power.
Reading status
We’re now already 5 chapters in, nice!
If you’re new here, you can still follow along by getting the book by David J. Schwartz here1 or read back any of the previous visualized chapters using the links below.
Next week we dive into chapter 6: You are What You Think You Are, see you then!
✔ Ch 5. How to Think and Dream Creatively (this week)
Ch 6. You are What You Think You Are (next week)
Ch 7. Manage Your Environment: Go First Class
Ch 8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
Ch 9. Think Right Toward People
Ch 10. Get the Action Habit
Ch 11. How to Turn Defeat into Victory
Ch 12. Use Goals to Help you Grow
Ch 13. How to Think like a Leader
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Love this! So creative! The graphic about sharing an idea is brilliant. Mind if I share it and credit you?
Nice! Again have to say I love the structure of your visual summaries!
An idea that I have been sitting on for a while is a graphic novel, the thing seems so daunting with many different aspects that would be completely new to me (for now 🙂)...
By the way if you play chess online, we could do a match! 😁