Nice! Again have to say I love the structure of your visual summaries!
An idea that I have been sitting on for a while is a graphic novel, the thing seems so daunting with many different aspects that would be completely new to me (for now 🙂)...
By the way if you play chess online, we could do a match! 😁
This reminded me that I still had to read your visual summary of Think Again. Just did. Amazing post!
Based on what you show there, I definitely think you should go for that graphic novel. You clearly have the creative and artistic skills to pull it off. Not saying that to be kind, really think you can 🙏.
(and my chess play has sadly deteriorated too much since my teens to play regularly any more)
Love this! So creative! The graphic about sharing an idea is brilliant. Mind if I share it and credit you?
Thanks David and of course, the more the merrier!
(as long as the credit is obvious)
Nice! Again have to say I love the structure of your visual summaries!
An idea that I have been sitting on for a while is a graphic novel, the thing seems so daunting with many different aspects that would be completely new to me (for now 🙂)...
By the way if you play chess online, we could do a match! 😁
Thanks Lud.
This reminded me that I still had to read your visual summary of Think Again. Just did. Amazing post!
Based on what you show there, I definitely think you should go for that graphic novel. You clearly have the creative and artistic skills to pull it off. Not saying that to be kind, really think you can 🙏.
(and my chess play has sadly deteriorated too much since my teens to play regularly any more)
Thank you for the kind words! Really means a lot. Now I need to do it 😁
My mom helped me cultivate a growth mindset. Whenever I'd say I can't do this, she would always say to me "There isn't such thing! It doesn't exist'.
This is something I passed on to my children. I can't do it YET.
Great chapter!
Love that Maria, it’s the same mindset I’m hoping to pass on to my twins!