Yesss love this ❤️

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Hey Marianne, good to see you on here! 😊

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Yes. What you put it is what will come out.

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Garbage in, garbage out ✌️

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That brain drawing is 👌🔥!

On the "take advice from successful people", I would mention the survivorship bias, there is often luck and millions of other parameters hard to replicate or even realize. But yes we should get inspired by the success of others, and see if some of their advices make sense in our situation 🙂.

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Good point. In some things you can see that this is a bit of an old fashioned book.

For instance, this chapter goes further in saying “you need to level up” your friendship, i.e. don’t be friends with “losers”.

But life isn’t all about success obviously and friendship certainly isn’t. So indeed, be inspired by successful friends, but don’t trade in friends based on their level of success.

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Totally agree!

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